Truth At Work – Blog

Three God-Honoring Ways to Handle Business Competition

Three God-Honoring Ways to Handle Business Competition

In the fast-paced and competitive business world, it can be challenging to maintain a Christ-centered approach to dealing with competitors. But as followers of Christ, we are called to conduct ourselves in ways that reflect God’s love and integrity while trusting in His sovereignty as we lead in our businesses regardless of how others lead in theirs. Consider three God-honoring ways to respond to business competition, inspired by biblical principles, and how to bolster your own business.

How to Innovate at Work with Integrity

How to Innovate at Work with Integrity

Do you resist change or think innovation is just a trend? Remember this: God was the first innovator. The very beginning of scripture kicks off with, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” in Genesis 1:1. Then we see His creativity literally come alive in the verses that follow as He continues making something out of nothing. We see threads of innovation throughout scripture, all the way to the end. One of the last passages in the Bible says, “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’

5 Biblical Entrepreneurial Best Practices

5 Biblical Entrepreneurial Best Practices

As Christian business owners, the quest for aligning our business operations with our faith is ever-present. The Bible is rich with wisdom that can seamlessly integrate into modern entrepreneurial practices. We will explore five biblical entrepreneurial best practices based on timeless biblical principles, offering a roadmap that not only fosters business growth but also deepens our spiritual journey as we seek to glorify God through our business practices.

The Future of Work for Christian Business Leaders

The Future of Work for Christian Business Leaders

Guest author, Lisa Oates of Northwest Creative, shares about today’s rapidly changing world and the landscape of work as they are undergoing significant transformation. For Christian business leaders, this advancement and disruption presents both challenges and opportunities as we navigate the intersection of faith and the marketplace.

Know Your Why

Know Your Why

Most people know what they do, many know how they do it, but a Christian business leader who knows why they do something, and leads from their beliefs, tends to have better result. Leaders who know their why also tend to inspire others, and people follow them not because they have to, but because they want to.

Confronting Fear and Anxiety in the Workplace

Confronting Fear and Anxiety in the Workplace

Every year, more and more of the workforce is facing anxiety while “on the clock” at their place of work. You likely have people on your team or that you work with in some capacity that are struggling with worry, fear, and anxiety, and it is important to determine how you will approach this to usher in the peace and love of Jesus. Even as a Christian executive, you might face anxiety as well, and working through it biblically will make all the difference.

Are Your Goals God-Sized?

Are Your Goals God-Sized?

As another year is coming to a close, many of you are planning for next year. What goals will you pursue in your business? What are you hoping to achieve and accomplish in the coming year with your team? Our Round Tables are processing this together in the month of December and are setting goals for 2023. As Christian business leaders, we challenge our members to set goals that go beyond what they can achieve.

The Power of Pause: Remember, Reflect, Give Thanks

The Power of Pause: Remember, Reflect, Give Thanks

This time of year tends to being many reminders and opportunities for reflection on what God has done and what we are thankful for. Last week, as many of us celebrated Thanksgiving, we probably spent some time pausing and reflecting on what we are thankful for this year with our friends and family.