Feb 28, 2020 | Bottom Line Faith
Entrepreneur Sid Graef speaks about how his faith has impacted his business journey, and challenges and successes he and his family have faced along the way. Bio: Sid Graef is a father, husband, business owner, and professional coach. He has started multiple small...
Feb 25, 2020 | Bottom Line Faith, bottom line faith video
Cal Turner Jr., the former CEO of Dollar General, speaks about lessons he learned from running the company for nearly 30 years. Quotes: “A leader is very different from a boss or a manager; a boss or a manager may tell people what to do, and that can be very...
Feb 18, 2020 | Bottom Line Faith
Author, pastor, and radio show host Dr. Leonard Scott, discusses his faith and career, leading up to his release of his latest book, “The Ultimate Boost from Within: 31 Days to Health, Wealth, Wholeness, and Happiness.” Bio: Dr. Scott is the founder and...
Feb 10, 2020 | Bottom Line Faith
Journalist and Pastor John Dickerson discusses his newest book, “Jesus Skeptic,” which John calls a “visually-based, social justice apologetic for a post-truth generation.” Bio: John is a bestselling author, reporter, and investigative...
Feb 3, 2020 | Bottom Line Faith
In this episode, music executive Jason Davis shares how at the height of his career, he felt empty, unloved, and suicidal, and how God changed his life and filled him with joy. Bio: Jason Davis is a music business veteran with two decades of experience. He’s...