Matthew 20:32 says, “And Jesus stopped and called to them, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’” This is one of my favorite verses in all the Bible. The story goes like this: As a large crowd is following Jesus, there are these two blind men who are crying out to Him, asking for Jesus to have mercy on them. Now in the midst of everything that He had going on, with everyone pulling at Jesus to get His attention, He stopped what He was doing, and He asked them a question.


There’s a great lesson here. I’m sure that Jesus knew that they were blind. But why did He ask them such an obvious question? I believe that there are two reasons.


First, He was teaching His followers that no matter how busy they are, they need to stop what they are doing at times and ask those around them, “What else needs to be done?” And second, the Lord delights when His children seek Him out and talk to Him about their needs. There’s something powerful about simply asking the Lord to answer our prayers.


As you go about your work today and every day, remember this story about Jesus. No matter how busy you are or how overwhelmed you feel, be sensitive to the needs of those around you in the marketplace, even when you feel like your plate is full. And keep asking, “What can I do for you?” Listen to them, even when the answer is obvious. Seek out someone today who may have a need and simply help them. If you will do this, you will be applying the truth at work.