I want to live an authentic life. I’m tired of living in such a way where I feel like I always need to be concerned about what others think about me. I no longer want to be worried about impressing people or constantly having to prove my value and worth to them.

I’m at a point where I’m willing to do some things, even if other people think I’m foolish or stupid. I’m ready to live life and conduct business in a freeing, innovative, and refreshing way. How about you? Does this sound interesting to you?

If so, I would like to share with you twelve words that could revolutionize every aspect of your life both personally and professionally. But you must choose to live them out. Here are the twelve life and business changing words: nothing to prove, nothing hide, nothing to lose, and nothing to fear.

Imagine the freedom and power of leading and conducting your business, serving your spouse and children, and simply living your life in such a way. How awesome would it be to feel like you have nothing to prove to anyone? Where you could just be yourself, you would not always feel like you had to always beat everyone else out at everything just to stay ahead in life. You could live exactly as you were created by God to live. Never having to work outside of your passion or what your good at just because you feel like you have to earn someone’s respect.

Consider how clean your conscience would be with nothing to hide. This would mean that your life and business would be above reproach, and you would have no shame or guilt over any aspect of life, including the words you use, the sites you visit on the internet, and those small details in your business that can be so tempting every day. This would mean that your local newspaper could do an in-depth expose on your life and business and they wouldn’t find anything bad or negative that would be worth printing.

How awesome would it be to come to the conclusion that God truly is in control, that it’s all His anyway? So that when all is said and done, you have nothing to lose. This would certainly make it easier to sleep at night, and give you an incredible sense of peace in these troubled economic times. When you truly are not worried about what you will lose, you can live your life with passion and reckless abandon for God.

Finally, when you have nothing to fear, you live with such authenticity and confidence in the Lord, that no person and no circumstance can cause you to worry, fret, or lose your joy in Christ. I challenge you to ponder these twelve, life-changing words. Live them. When you do, you will be applying the truth at work.