Michael Scott | CEO, Pure Flix Entertainment   As managing partner and CEO of Pure Flix, Michael Scott has produced more than 40 movies worldwide and has helped the company become the largest faith and family movie production and distributor in the world. After founding Pure Flix with partners Russell Wolfe and David A.R. White in 2005, Scott has produced such box office hits as “God’s Not Dead,” “Do You Believe?,” “What If…,” and “The Case For Christ.” “God’s Not Dead” earned $61 million in box office receipts and is the fifth- most profitable movie of all time. He’s also produced a successful TV series “Travel the Road” (based on his brother’s extensive international ministry work) as well as “The Encounter” series. Throughout his career—as an aspiring photographer sweeping the floors of a studio one day and shooting the Oklahoma City Bombing for LIFE magazine the next—Scott has used equal measures of entrepreneurship, inspiration and faith to guide him.  

The son of a pastor, Scott began his career as a professional photographer in the Denver area, before moving to Los Angeles and combining his photographic expertise with film/video work, producing national advertising spots and print work for all the major auto manufacturers. In 2005, he, Wolfe, and White formed Pure Flix as a way of filling the unmet needs of a growing Christian audience looking for quality movies on DVDs and TV. After initial successes, the three had a fateful meeting in a Mexican restaurant in 2009. “Those were tough times for a lot of us in the business …we had $12 between us and had to share an appetizer.” The meeting, however, eventually led to Pure Flix attracting investors by focusing on all aspects of worldwide distribution and moving into theatrical releases in 2010, while still maintaining its packaged media business.  

After a string of successful theatrical releases, Scott in 2015 helped launch PureFlix.com, a subscription-video on demand service that provides consumers streaming faith and family entertainment anytime, anywhere. By 2017, PureFlix.com has become the largest streaming service of its kind in the country and earned the nickname “Netflix for Christians” from numerous media.   Scott, who has degrees in Theology and Applied Science (Photography/Film), lives in Scottsdale, Ariz. and Bangkok, Thailand with his wife, Siri, and son, Jerry. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, skiing, scuba diving and tennis.