Following 23 years of success working with landmark companies including Proctor and Gamble, Union Carbide, and Donaldson Corporation, Tom decided to explore his dream of launching a business that would blend his pride in his Mexican heritage with his Hoosier roots. His goal was to build a bridge between the Indianapolis business community and the growing Hispanic population, and in 2003 that dream became a reality with Morales Group, Inc. (MGI), where Tom is the CEO and Co-Founder.

In addition to his leadership role at Morales Group, Tom currently serves on the boards of Elevate Indy, YWAM, and IU Cancer Center Development Board. He has also served on the boards of the Immigrant Welcome Center, The Boy Scouts (Crossroads of America), and the St. Francis Foundation. Tom was also a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Development Commission and was appointed by Gov. Daniels as a commissioner of the State Student Assistance Commission (SSAC). In addition, he lectures all over the country on immigration issues and is a passionate advocate for the Hispanic community.

Tom is dedicated to God, family, and to creating and preserving a sense of community. After earning a degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University, Tom married his high school sweetheart, Chris. They have been married for over 40 years and are the proud parents of 5 children.

2:50– A bit of my background
5:35– A little about the Morales Group
9:00– What type of companies do you work with?
12:52– Take us to one of the toughest parts in the journey and how did your faith specifically pull you through it.
23:07– What is one of the biggest mistakes you’ve made and how did you learn from it?
25:01– What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
26:30– A piece of encouragement
30:26– The 4:23 Question

Full Transcript:

Ray: Well, hello everyone, this is Ray Hilbert. We’d like to welcome you back to another episode of the Bottom Line Faith program. I am really excited; our guest today is Tom Morales, we’re in Indianapolis, in our home studios recording this episode of Bottom Line Faith. And Tom and I’ve known each other more than ten years, roughly ten to fifteen years, I would say. Tom is the co-founder and CEO of the Morales Group, headquartered in Indianapolis. It was a company that he co-founded in the year 2003, and we’re going to hear about that story today and about Tom’s serving his family and the Lord through the business in the marketplace. So Tom, welcome to Bottom Line Faith.

Tom: Well, thank you Ray. I’m a bit humbled, because I have listened to some of those podcasts and I realize from the individuals you’ve had on, and more importantly I keep thinking, “Why is it that I’m here?” But I appreciated the request and invitation, and I hope that whatever we do, we honor the good the Lord in every way.

Ray: You got it. I’ll tell you why I wanted you here Tom, is because without question, you’re a man who loves the Lord. You’re a man who has done your best to model your Christian faith in your home, in your family, in your church, and in the community, in in the marketplace. And some great things have happened because of your faithfulness, and that’s why I wanted to invite you on this program, because you are an encouragement to so many, and that this is just a platform for us to be an encouragement to more.

Tom: Well, thank you. You know, as we start this, Ray, I just wanted to share that so much of the so-called success, whether it’s the world’s view or the Biblical principles, I’ve realized that I wouldn’t be here, I’ve realized it over and over. The success we’ve had as a company, not only for the size but for the impact we made has been because of him. And it really has and I don’t mean that sometimes as people use that as a cliche, but I just know it. Too many times people don’t quite understand that, and they want to say luck, timing, they say a lot of different things, but I truly know why it is where it is, and it’s because He wanted it to be.

Ray: That’s fantastic. And so Tom, lets just maybe, let’s just go back to a little bit of the beginning, not all the way back to birth of course, but you graduated from Purdue University and when did you graduate from Purdue, and what was your major?

Tom: I graduated in 1975. I was a civil engineer by degree, practiced for a number of years. I was a structural engineer, also, had my minor was in what we call the Air Pollution and Environmental Services.

Ray: Very good, and you’ve been married for how long now?

Tom: It’ll be forty-three years in, June 14th. I better get that one right, and forty-three years, and five children later, and eight grandchildren later.

Ray: That’s such a blessing. And so did you grow up in a Christian home, or how was it that you came to have a relationship with Christ?

Tom: I grew up in a very Catholic-oriented, basically, my parents were both old school Hispanic. They love the culture when they moved here. We didn’t speak but a little Spanish, but at the same time, they wanted us to live out the way they were living out their lives in Mexico. And we realized, first of all they wanted us to marry Latino women, they wanted us to take hold of the things that were important, especially in their faith when it came to, well, Catholicism. A lot of that was the ritualistic pieces, but it would really, really hit home to me because I realize that I was searching for more. And I remember at Purdue is where I really came to grips with what I was looking for. At that time, Catholicism was changing dramatically. It was coming from the, you know, Latin services to English to music that was contemporary and everything else around, and I was with two priests there at Purdue that just had a real life in it. And they were giving me, and I kept questioning, “Why should I have to come to you to have that relationship? Why is it that I have to use you as an intercessor on some of these things?” You know, and really, they honored how they were bought up, but at the same time, they said, “No, they were releasing me to have something much more.” That was the first part of it, but really for myself, it was May, no it was March 9th, 1973, when I came to know the Lord as my true Lord and Savior. And a lot of that was through Campus Crusade at Purdue University; that’s where I first started realized that there was much more to my relationship than a Sunday service. Or even, I went through parochial schools and stuff, and we had Masses left and right. And then again, it got me out of class, but that was about the extent of it for me for a while.

Ray: I really appreciate that. I didn’t know all of that story. So that’s very helpful. So, started the company, a co-founder in 2003, so let’s transition and talk a little bit about the Morales Group. What you do, why you started it, and kind of what the company is up to these days.

Tom: The best way to start with this is, my father, who again, was a migrant worker in born in the United States, was raised in Mexico. He and his brother came up here and they went, they were migrant workers, came up to pick tomatoes. They went up to do the cherries and other fruit up in Michigan, and every year they kept coming up, and they finally decided to to raise a family here in Indianapolis. And why I start with that’s because at that point, there was probably two handful of Hispanic families, and he knew every one of them, okay. Now there’s hundreds of thousands and throughout that, Dad, I always knew that he reached out to them, and that was his way of connecting; making them feel welcome, and providing them with just a warm neighbor type of thing. So in February of 2003, my father passed away from liver cancer. Throughout the challenges he made to me, especially right before, I think two months before, he said, “What are you going to give back to your Hispanic Community? When are you going to really give back? I’m not talking about money.” And he said, “What can you do?” I said, “I’ll tell you what, dad, I’ll take a sabbatical, take a look around, and see. Maybe it’s financial literacy, maybe it’s English as a second language, maybe it’s something that, you know, I can create for them.

And so as I did that, I remember very specifically, and there was many more in the situation that said, “Mr. Tom, I appreciate what you’re trying to do for English as the second language, teaching us about banking institutions, but what we need, if you can get me a job, I’ll take care of the rest of it.” And it really hit home, and I said, “Wow, now either I’m going to need to create jobs, or I’m going to have to connect people with jobs,” and that’s where the Morales Group started. So, the challenge my father made, the reality of how I could really sort of give people the hope in the future that they were looking for. And the best thing about the Morales Group is it, in the simplest ways to talk about, is that we have at work to provide solutions to our clients. And we caught, staffing temporary agencies, things like that many of them looked at these jobs, specials, general labor as opportunities. And the reality of it was, that many of our customers, our clients wanted this workforce, but there was language. There was cultural issues, or things like that. But that’s how the Morales Group started. Our focus on it and the initial impact was dealing with the Hispanic community, and we are 85% of our workforce was that. At the same time, we also had a bullseye on our back. Everybody wanted to say it must be illegal, they must be undocumented, and what we have to do, everything we could to use the law to protect them as well as protect ourselves. And we did, but what they couldn’t overcome, our competitors, was the type of workforce we had; one that did much better than most. Since that time, we’ve also created reaching out to the world, to the migrant and now we have thirty-seven nations represented internally and externally with our associates. And so that’s a little history. We’ll move, fast-forward. I’d love for you to ask me some on that.

Ray: So what would be that the types of companies that would become clients that you would be able to serve the needs that they have?

Tom: In the majority of it we do, we’re in the light industrial world, which we consider the large warehouse logistics, a lot of distribution centers in Indianapolis is perfect for that, you know, Crossroads of America for a reason. That’s the largest area of focus we should give. It also provides us a sense of professional levels, and at the same time, we’ve been able to be a consultative piece, versus just giving the people the associates because they realize that we understand what it means to have the different cultures involved, and how do we effectively utilize what they do, not to assimilate, to what we are, but to take hold of what they have to offer us, which is the thread of the tapestry I talked about, is beautiful and you can put it together.

Ray: So it sounds to me like what started as really as a challenge or innovation from your father, to make a difference back into your community, you follow through on that, God has blessed it, and look where it has come from there. And that’s got to feel really great, though.

Tom: It does, and what I’m trying to get to at times, you know, we all wish we could have that perfect plan. We all wish that we had each step done, and I know business, and I know, what it did. I was glad I had the opportunity beforehand to be in corporate America, because I learned a lot. But inevitably, I learned that the best laid plans weren’t always just going to be followed that way, unless you were willing to just give it up to the point where you say, “Am I free enough to say it may change for the good? The Lord has another plan for me.” And things like that and because of that, I believe it’s the real reason that the Morales Group has grown dramatically, because I, from day one, said at times I was fearful, and I know what from him so I knew that I had to do something much different. And it was just releasing and it was a freedom, I’ve never experienced until that happens.

Ray: So there’s a verse in Zachariah that I love to talk about. Zachariah 4 says, “Do not despise the day of humble beginnings,” so I would imagine going back to that starting point in 2003, you would have had no idea in your wildest dreams that it could become what it’s become right?

Tom: Right. Ray, when we started, you know, we started from zero, okay? And I again acknowledge my co-founder, my partner, because he had that entrepreneurial spirit even more so than I did. I was a salesman; he was pretty much back office type of guy, but from going from the zero to a hundred million in thirteen, fourteen years, you know, people look at it and say, “That’s great growth,” and I got to say this, and I say it very honestly; I had no idea how big we were. We were big in volume and revenue, but I didn’t know in the scope of industries. There’s 20,000 staffing firms in the country, and we are the top 1%, and I had no idea. I just figured we were growing, and we were good, and we were solid, and when you don’t focus on that, something happens, you know. And I really believe that I was always looking at best practices and bottom line and things like that, but my focus was on serving a lot more people. There are a lot of times, Ray, when people would come to my board advisors and say, “Listen, why don’t you get rid of this nonprofitable or maybe not as profitable customer that you have, and that way your bottom line would be even greater?” And I said, “You know, you’re right; that’s one way of doing it, but then I would be eliminating 253 jobs, so you tell me how I can replace that one, and I’ll do it.” But my point is, it’s always about the end journey, it is about the journey itself, in what we have to do with time.

Ray: I love it, I love it. Let’s talk about that journey. There’s a few questions that I’d love that to ask. So let’s go back to maybe the darkest moment, you know, you’re now you know several, a decade-and-a-half, almost twenty years into this, and you really have a chance to celebrate the success, even the success through a worldly standpoint. But I’m sure it wasn’t always easy; take us to maybe one of the darkest moments, the toughest times in the journey. And how did your faith specifically pull you through?

Tom: Yeah, I think there’s five specific moments. I’ve got to back up for a minute. My wife, is a great writer, and she loves to journal, and throughout it all, specifically for the first two years, every week she would journal of what the company was doing, and how they were doing. And then, well even after that, for the next five years, for weeks or months, she would put it. But one of the things we always faced, when you have a large contingent workforce like that, the biggest thing is payroll. And if you don’t have payroll, you’re not going to get it back, okay? And you’d like to say that your customers paid you timely, so that you had everything in place. And so to say it’s dark, it’s one of those times where you say, “Where’s it coming from?” So I knew that there was five specific times at work where we went out, I went out, my partner didn’t. I said, you need to do this, and I went out, and it was friends, and I said, “I need this for the amount of time.”

Ray: You’re talking about borrowing money?

Tom: Borrowing money, just to make payroll, yeah. But what I was trying to get to after the fourth or fifth time, we called them monuments. We said, “We got through it, He was there for us.” And so why was it again that we were faced that same thing, and saying to ourselves, “How we going to do it?” We knew how we were going to do it; we just knew that it was just His timing. But those monuments really set us free from a lot of the issues I had. At one point, I went to one of my customers, I said, “We can’t make the payroll.” And he said, “Okay.” And I told him how much we needed; it was a quarter of a million dollars. And he said, “Okay.” And he went in and ask a CFO to sign a check, and I said, “Okay, well, we need a contract.” He said, “No, we don’t.” He stuck out his hand and shook my hand, and I said, “I can’t do that; I want you to feel like,” he said, “Your handshake is enough for me.” And I said, “That’s not the way people do business now.” And he said, “Yeah, but it’s the way we’re going to do business.” And so I took that to heart because in reality, he knew, and he was always my strongest advocate. And for him to do it on a handshake and to say, “I trust in you, but more importantly I want to see you grow,” it really sent me to to do the same thing with a lot of other people. People that need help, and I’m not just talking business; there’s so many other situations. And if I can be that, I don’t know, that answer and for me maybe prayer, that’s a prayer for them. And maybe just the, I call it, the Catalyst, but you really don’t get involved, but you just get it going. And that’s what I love about it.

Ray: Thank you for sharing that, cause you know it’s not always easy to share those. You know, those are tough moments, but what did the Lord reveal to you? In those, I mean, it couldn’t have been easy to have to go to friends and say I need help cause that’s kind of an attack in the old pride thing, right? But how did your faith get you through them, is what I want to know.

Tom: Right. And I think when I said about those monuments, that we can look back at those things, but that’s after the fact. So when you’re going through it, you realized, Ray, that there’s a time. And I’d have to say that especially in business, and especially in this world, pride seems to come attacking us from all of different directions. And it’s not just the fact that sometimes you feel if you fail, sometimes you feel as if you’ve let people down, and that’s really what I always looked at. It wasn’t so much about how people are going to look at me, but I had a responsibility. And that really bothers me more than anything. And so I think if those dark moments aren’t so much about that, I rebound maybe. But how is it going to affect the rest of the people that needed and wanted and, so those dark moments taught me to look elsewhere instead of introvertedly. It’s what can I do for others? And that motivated me much more than it did by satisfying the need I had at the time.

Ray: And then that’s one of the things that I am not sure that a lot of people who haven’t been entrepreneurs and haven’t started businesses or owned or ran businesses understand about the entrepreneur. Is that it really, there is a huge burden, there is a huge responsibility of these families that are looking to us for leadership and provision in those sorts of things. And you just shared some inside track on that. I appreciate that.

Tom: Yeah, and I’ve got to share a couple of short stories. One of them being, I remember a gentleman, that it took him seven and a half years to come from a little town outside of Mexico City. He got up to Logansport, then to Indianapolis, and I remember when he got here, and I remember when I brought him into the office, and they’ve been working for me four or five years, and I said, “Manuel, I’m going to give you a raise.” And he looked at me and he said, “No.” I said, “What do you mean no?” He showed me his hands, he said, “I can’t do any more.” I said, “I’m going to give you the raise because I want you to do more.” That really hit me because it was really about the fact that too many times, that’s what we respond to is, “What am I getting for what I do?” Okay, and for me, and then I asked, right then and there I said, “Alright, enough. I’m going to give you the raise, but what do you do with your hands?” Because he’s always talked about his hands, and he said he made handmade guitars. And he told me, he said, “I want to show you something.” He pulled out this rumpled brochure, and there was three parts, but it was the London Symphony, The House of Guitars in Germany, and I forget the other place. So he wasn’t just making, and I embellished story by saying it was like Stradivarius violin and stuff he was making. He said, “I’d love to visit; that’s where they go inside.” But in his mind, all he had was the ability to use his hands to do what it was the good Lord asked him to do.

Ray: So, Tom, what are a couple of the biblical principles that drive you every day? You know that words of God or those principles that really are the foundation with your leadership?

Tom: I actually wrote these down, because prior to starting The Morales Group, Jeremiah 29:11 it says, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future in front of hope.” It really stuck, Chris, my wife, that what we wanted; is the ability to give people the opportunity to better their lives, to have a hope, and a future. And, you know, at times you can create those jobs, but we wanted them to be able to not only see what was available but to connect those individuals. Because many of them were willing to work as hard as they could, but to know that we were giving them the opportunity, and that’s what our whole focus was. We talked about serving them in a way. And another one that’s always stuck with me, and more recently I found out about the Hebrew rule of integrity, and its Tom. T-O-M. But what I really love is Psalms 78:72. And it says, “Having integrity.” And I’ll tell you, Ray, we know it too well in business, you know, how can we be completely honest with what goes on, and not manipulative, and not give in to certain things.

You know there’s so much compromising, so much complacency, and just giving into what’s least difficult to deal with. And I wrote something else earlier, that I just I really felt there’s so many things we do, and we want an end result to be such, I don’t want to compromise that, I don’t want to give it up, I don’t want to make it feel like I got there, that the end result was more important to me. Sometimes I will get it when I want, because it’s not where I’m lead to do and stuff, so but those two verses specifically in Luke 10:7 is, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind.” And so there it talks about your neighbor, and yourself, and that neighbor really stuck out to me, because I was talking about the Hispanic community. I was talking about then the Middle East, the African nation, Asian Nation, and things South Central America, things like that. I realize that my neighbor came across a vast amount of geographical area, and so it was no longer just my neighbor next door. And, you know, to give the respect and the dignity that they need because too many times they are looked upon as outcasts. They are looked upon as refugees, they are looked upon as so many things besides what they really are, and that’s the human beings the Lord created.

Ray: Without question, and just one comment I want to offer you. You mentioned Psalms 78:72, if memory serves me right, it says something like, “David shepherded them with integrity of heart and with skillful hands he lead them,” right? And that’s the back half of that, as followers of Christ in business, yes, we need that integrity of heart, and we need to be excellent at what we do, and that really, you guys have blazed the trail in the excellent part in this industry, right?

Tom: Well, I think we have, and that’s because we focused on other things. That’s how the world sees it, and by that I mean, when we talk about serving and giving, when we talked about really connecting, a lot of times what I see is that we’re willing to do this without expecting something. You know, everyone talks about what we do, and we say why we do what we do. And we have a lot of different programs, but our whole emphasis is to have purpose in our life, and what we’re trying to do with the company, and believe me, it’s not so much just a mission statement. It’s not just a division we have, and such; it’s living that out in actions. Because, I tell you what, there’s a lot of people that have the best mission statements in place, but how do you make that into action, and into verbs? Into something that you can actually do? And we love it, because that challenge really allows us to the serve the whole slew of people.

Ray: That’s great stuff, Tom. I can’t believe how fast these conversations go, but I would be remised if I didn’t ask about maybe the biggest mistake, as you look back over the course of your business in your career, what’s maybe the biggest mistake or poor choice that you made, and what did you learn from it?

Tom: I think the- and I won’t say the biggest mistake, I mean the biggest mistake of my own life, is how I addressed my ability to my own finances. So that’s from the past, that I really feel like there’s a lot that I learned by the end, but in the business sector, it was being yoked unevenly with a partner. I won’t say it was a mistake, because I appreciate what was brought to the table; I appreciate him, and I’ll honor him in every which way. And I know that when I went to buy him out, I had the ability to buy him out in a much less number, but the reason I say that is that too many times the difficulty was he would say to me, “I’ll let you pray for it. I’ll let you deal with it here. You’re the spiritual one.” But I realized that I had, there were times missing that I wanted the company as a whole to be, and to be equally yoked in that regard. So be careful. Partners are not bad, I’m not saying that by any means, but for me, it have those partner. And again, it’s not just saying that they are believers; a lot of those things that you want to take some of the practicalities of what it is about business acumen, and their expertise, and their skill levels. And it works out when you are equally yoked, because you can discuss them, and challenge yourself, and deal with those things.

Ray: Well, also when we are evenly yoked, we have an unfair competitive advantage. We have the Holy Spirit; and when we unevenly yoked, we can’t tap into that unfair competitive advantage. That is really, really great insight, Tom. Gosh, we had like two hours for this conversation, but the last section that I always like to cover in our conversations, I just kind of couch this as our advice section, okay? So what I like to do is I’d like to ask you to consider the best advice you were ever given. Who gave it to you, and what was it?

Tom: Yeah, yeah. And I look at it this way. Don’t let anyone define who you are. And by that I mean in what you can become. Because that choice is mine, and the fact is, I released that in business or anything that I do, I wanted to know what the impact would be. And so people would talk about what does it mean to make a difference? What does it mean to live a life of significance? And I think those are the things that really came to grab me, and specifically, when we talk about making mistakes, and the failures go along with it. I mean, I always look at the fact that people talk more and more about that, and the mistakes for me where the fact that they were just times for me to reflect, times for me to get up and make another choice if I was going to make. What I was going to do next, and so there’s things I think were very, very good advice for the future, in anything that I did.

Ray: One of our goals here at Bottom Line Faith is just to be an encouragement. And don’t we all just need that encouragement? And so right now, there may be someone who’s listening to this program. Maybe they got their headphones on and they’re working out, maybe they’re listening in their car, or their on a mobile device, or whatever, but maybe they are in a season of discouragement. And maybe they just aren’t sure of that next step, or maybe they just haven’t followed through on that dream that God has given them. So, would you just take a moment and offer a word of encouragement to that listener? Even if it’s just one right now who’s listening that’s discouraged? How could you encourage them, how could you lift them up, what advice could you give them?

Tom: I think the first thing is you always mention step, that first step. I’ll tell you what it’s amazing, but I also feel like so many times, we’re living in a sense of fear, the unknown, versus living in hope. And believe me, it carries through so much of it; it’s not the fact that you are going to know everything, and everything is in place, but to start that step with hope versus a fear of what’s unknown. I think a lot of other times is that, you know, I remember the day that we decided we’re going to start the company. Seth, my son, who was going to be president, who is president now, looked at us and said, “Why are you guys scared? Why? What’s wrong? What’s keeping you from doing it?” And we looked at each other and it was like we understood that we were led this way, you know. Then it was the fact that we were bringing every other reason into play: funding, timing, idea, passion, everything else, and we already, really it felt we’ve heard from Him. And so there are those chances of those times when you find yourself, you can hear it so clearly, but you have everything else sort of keeping you from taking that first step.

Ray: That’s really Satan’s playground, is fear, and worry, and doubt, and all those things.

Tom: And worry and doubt is part of any organization, and things but it’s not from Him. And I realized that over and over. Too many times, our whole life is what ifs, and making sure that we plan it out, and I really get sort of tired of that, because I figure that’s not que sera, sera thing, you know. But the fact is that if you’re listening, if you were asking Him, and if you’re willing to have the Spirit just lead you, it’s a lot of fun, it is a bunch of fun. It is to the point where you’re saying, “Bring it on,” you know. It’s almost like, not an arrogance about it, but that confidence that you have more than yourself dealing with.

Ray: It is that unfair competitive advantage, the Holy Spirit, right? Tom, thank you for being on the program today. You came in, you had your notes and thoughts and I know you prayerfully considered our time together today, so is there anything that I haven’t asked you? Anything that you would want to share with the audience that we haven’t had a chance to talk about today? Anything on your heart?

Tom: Yeah, and I think one of the things that we talked about and it was actually one of your questions, how do you balance life with faith, family and work? And I’ve got to say this, Ray, I’ve always felt like we can’t departmentalize our lives. And so whatever section you’re in, wherever you’re at, allow yourself to know that if you’re true to who you are, and what your relationship is with the Lord, whatever that family, whatever that’s a life component, or whatever business it is comes out. I almost hate to say that there’s a balance in the sense that I know that I’m going to have time spent here or there, but I really want to sort of remove the departmental piece, and say you’re that way every single moment. Don’t give me the one, two, or three that you’re going to be in, to give me that same person throughout.

Ray: That is great. Well, folks, we have been speaking with Tom Morales, the co-founder and CEO of the Morales Group, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. Their website is, Please check them out to learn more. So, for the regular listeners of the program, they know that the last question I always ask is what I have now dubbed my 4:23 question. In Proverbs chapter 4, verse 23, Solomon writes these words; he says, “Above all else guard, your heart for from your heart flows all of life.” So, Tom, what I would like you to do as we close our conversation today, I want you to just imagine for a moment, you have a chance to gather your friends, your family, your loved ones, those who are most precious to you. You’re at the end of your time this side of eternity, and you have enough time and enough breath to pass along one piece of advice. Would you please fill in the blank for us? Above all else…

Tom: Seek His will, open your heart to hear. And I see that all the time, and the last thing is maybe what I consider absolute truth. Too many times I don’t believe that people believe that there’s any left; there’s so much that we have, and so seek His will, open your heart to hear and rely on the absolutes, the biblical truths.

Ray: Fantastic. Tom Morales, thank you for being our guest today on Bottom Line Faith.

Tom: I am so honored, and again thank you for the opportunity.

Ray: Maybe we can do this again?

Tom: We will.

Ray: By the way he’s a very humble man, and he probably hears this a lot, but Tom’s like a scratch golfer. So if you got a big outing, and you need that “A” player, check out the Morales Group, and he might take you up on the invitations. He’s an amazing golfer, but more importantly, a man who loves Jesus, loves his family, and who God has used incredibly so in the marketplace. And I’m so glad you had a chance to get to know Tom today here at Bottom Line Faith. We’d like to encourage you as you listen to these interviews on your podcast platform, just give us a positive review of your experience of that particular interview, the more reviews we get, the more our web presence improves, and the more awareness becomes available in the marketplace. And so until next time, I am your host, Ray Hilbert, at Bottom Line Faith, saying, God bless, so long, and serve the Lord faithfully and the marketplace.