Proverbs 27:23 says, “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds.” Today’s message is geared for those business owners and leaders who have staff or employees who report to them or for those who have the responsibility of leading other people.

This verse from the book of Proverbs is telling us very clearly how important it is to know the status and condition of those over whom you have responsibility. How well do you know your people?

What if you asked them any of these following questions: If you had to use one word to describe your work experience here, what would it be and why? Or you could ask, “What’s the one thing that as your leader I could do to make you feel better about your job and help you be more productive?” Or ask them that on a daily basis, is there anything that we could change that would make things go better for you in getting your job done? Or ask them a couple of more significant and eternal type questions such as, “Is there anything going on in your life that I can pray for you?” Or tell me more about your relationship with God.

By asking these kinds of questions, we can get to the heart of those that we lead. We can learn what’s really going on with them and how we can better serve them and be more productive. Do you really know what’s going on with your flock? It may be time to ask some good questions. You may be surprised by what you learn. When you do this, you will be applying the truth at work.