1 Corinthians 3:7 says, “So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but it is God who gives the increase.” This is the fourth part in a series called the Five Steps to Greatness. This is the principle of focusing on the process, not the results.

Probably a lot like you, I talk with people who get frustrated and disappointed because things don’t always turn out the way they were hoping. A good friend of mine who’s a professional golf instructor told me that one of the biggest mistakes his students make is they get so concerned about the shot, that they don’t stay focused on the mechanics of the swing. He tells me that if people would just stay focused on the golf swing, the shot’s going to turn out great.

The same is true in business. Too often, we spend so much of our time and energy worrying about the things we can’t control. But we must remember what we can and what we can’t control.

For example in sales, we can’t control whether or not our customer buys from us. But we can develop a process that helps them make a good buying decision. In marketing our product or service, we can’t dictate how people will perceive our brand or our company. But we can develop a process and a plan that places our company in a favorable light in the public.

To experience true success, remember how important it is to focus on the process, not to be so consumed with the results. When you do this, you’ll be applying the truth at work.