Acts 10:24 says, “Now let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” We all need to be encouraged. Every one of us wants to feel like we are appreciated and that we’re making a positive contribution to our company, our community, and even to our family and friends.

Just a few days ago, I was talking with a client of mine, and he told me in no uncertain terms that he felt that both he and his work were greatly unappreciated. It was clear to me that he needed a word of encouragement.

In his book,“The One Minute Manager,” Ken Blanchard makes this statement: “We need to go out of our way to find someone doing something right.” So here’s your assignment today: Find someone doing something right and tell them about it.

Maybe you could find your coworker who’s paying attention to the little details of an assignment and compliment him. Or if you’re married, maybe you could identify something that your spouse does that makes your life better, and let her know how much you appreciate her for doing it. Or if you have children, tell them something that they do well and encourage them to do more of it. Or in business, maybe you could tell your customer or client that you greatly appreciate the integrity and the commitment in the way he does business.

So today I challenge you to verbally acknowledge and encourage five people so that you can encourage them in good deeds. When you do this, you will be applying the truth at work.