Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plan fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.”

In the Truth At Work Round Table groups I have the privilege of leading, we all watched a fairly short video which talked about the importance of understanding the ‘why’ in what we do and how we can best communicate that to others. It was a very powerful lesson.

I bring this up because, that month I watched that video six times–once in each of our groups. Each time I viewed it I got something new out of it. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I thought after watching it once I knew pretty much all I needed to know about what was shared. However, in the next five sessions, I was amazed at how much more I received from the discussion about the video.

As different people shared they brought a different perspective to light that I had never thought about before. As a result, I received some solid ideas for my own business, not directly from the video, but solely because of the conversation with others about the video.

Isn’t that interesting? this shouldn’t have surprised me. God didn’t design us to be lone rangers, but rather to do life in community. He knows that we each have different strengths, talents, and perspectives. We need others to fill in our gaps, to help us where we’re weak or where we have blind spots. Even the Lone Ranger wasn’t really alone–he had Tanto. So ask others what they see. Seek out different opinions. You might be surprised at how much you learn. And if you do this, you will be applying the truth at work.