Philippians 2:2 says, “Now make my joy complete by being like-minded having the same love and being in one spirit and purpose.” This video is the first in a series taken from Philippians chapter two on how to build a winning team. This team could be at work, in your family, at your church, or your athletic team. It could be where ever because these principles are universal and can be applied whenever you’re working with people.

I remember the most fun I ever had in athletics was my junior year of high school when I was a catcher on a baseball team. We had a great year, ranked number two in our state, and we had a record of 25/2. What I remember most is that the guys on our team really got along well together. We weren’t only teammates, we were great friends and we were always hanging out together. Our team was truly one that had spirit because we were like-minded and together in purpose.

When working with a team, it is critical that we’re like-minded and unified around the same purpose. So step one to building a winning team is everyone must be on the same page. Consider calling a team meeting. Bring your team members together, ask every one of them to write out how they would define success for your team, and determine if everyone is on the same page. Those that aren’t on that page with you must be dealt with immediately either by being moved to another team or by helping them get on the same page.

Remember, if everyone is not together in spirit and in purpose the team is going to flounder. It might be painful to shake up a team by dealing with a member that is not on the same page as the others, but in the long run, it’s best to do so. When you do this, you will be applying the truth at work.