Psalm 128:1 says that blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways. For you will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. As I travel and give speeches and presentations, people often tell me, “Ray, all that religious and Bible stuff may work for you, but I really don’t believe any of it.”

I can certainly respect their perspective, and I understand that not everyone believes as I do. But I do have a couple of thoughts that I’d like to share with them in response. I have never met anyone who is truly living out his faith and following biblical standards who’s miserable in his life. This holds true in both the personal and professional level.

This does not mean that someone following God and the Bible won’t have challenges and tough times. We all do; but God does promise that if we will walk in His ways and follow His standards, we will be blessed. How about you? Are you seeking and working to follow God and do things that the Bible teaches? God promises that you’ll be blessed and prosperous if you do.

This does not necessarily mean that you will gain a lot of money or financial wealth. God is not an ATM machine. But it does mean that if you conduct your business and personal life in biblical ways, you will have peace and contentment in your life, knowing you’re living as God wants you to.

I would like to encourage you to spend time reading the Bible, learn what it has to say about following God’s ways. Apply those biblical principles and standards at home, at work, and in all areas of your life. For when you do this, you will be applying the truth at work.