The Truth At Work online content portal makes content available 24/7 to its members.

Each month covers very relevant material that can help you run your business more effectively. You will see how much Truth At Work will help manage your time and lead a more rewarding life, professionally, personally and spiritually. See below for a few samples of content we’ve used recently in our Peer Advisory Groups!

Truth At Work Developing Your BHAGGs content

Developing Your BHAGGs

We are all familiar with the importance of setting goals. A goal is something you can set and accomplish with hard work and focused effort. At Truth At Work you will be challenged to set different kinds of goals that we call BHAGGs (Big Hairy Audacious God-sized Goals). BHAGGs require a supernatural act of God in order to happen. A BHAGG does not depend upon your work ethic, you figuring out how to do something, or putting a plan in place to make it happen. When a BHAGG comes true, God and God alone gets the credit and glory for it.

Each year members set their BHAGGs for the next 12 months, along with the top three to five personal, business, and spiritual goals they want to focus on for the next year. 

Truth At Work At War with Fear and Anxiety content

At War with Fear and Anxiety

Satan wants us to be ruled by anxiety and taken captive by fear—to live in despair while we’re in trials and in dread while we’re not. The good news is that God has gifted us with the resources of His Word and his Spirit to help us pursue faithfulness in the midst of our darkness.

Whether fear and anxiety is stemming from work related issues or not, it’s bound to impact our work. What might present as a drop in performance or missing work could be indicative of one of our team member’s internal struggle. As Christian business leaders we have the opportunity to minister to our employees and peers in these moments. It’s important to recognize the signs of anxiety, in ourselves and others, so we can address it, not with the world’s weapons but with the weapons God has given us. 

Truth At Work A Path to Stewardship content

A Path to Stewardship

The purpose of our Truth At Work peer advisory groups is to equip and encourage each of our participants to wrestle through the issues of owning and operating a business to the glory of God, incorporating biblical principles and intregity in every business decision. When Christian business leaders operate with a “business as mission” mentality they can transform their business into a ministry.

The marketplace is a mission field and you are a missionary in the marketplace.