James 5:16 says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”
We all make mistakes and let other people down, nearly every day. Sometimes we don’t do what we should and sometimes we do what we shouldn’t.
And at work it’s no different. We’re going to make mistakes. Things like failing to turn a project in on time, or failing to close a big deal that would make the company a lot of money, or implementing a policy that upsets others in your organization.
The list goes on and on.
Well when you’ve discovered that you’ve made a mistake at work that has brought harm to others, there are three things that you need to do to address the situation:
First: Admit the mistake
Second: State what you are going to do to correct the situation
Third: Indicate what you will do to insure that this never happens again
Think about some of the mistakes that have occurred at work as of late. What if this simple three step process had been utilized? How much damage could have been prevented?
So next time that you make a mistake remember these three key steps to addressing the situation and approach the situation with sincerity and immediately begin the process of repairing the damage.
God’s word makes it clear that we’re not to hide or justify our sinful behavior or even try to cover up our mistakes.
Remember, if we do this-we will be applying the Truth at Work.
Application Questions:
- What did this message say to you?
- Have you had issues admitting to mistakes you’ve made? Have you been able to remedy that in some way?
- Are there any situations that you need to work on to try and heal the relationship?
- What other scriptures can you think of that address this issue?
what if you failure is in trusting other people to do what they said they will do. Like pay there bill, to the tune of several thousand dollars.
It is so essential to view the character of a person, particularly view how that person does when he or she has made a mistake. Do they take true ownership of their mistake! Are they secure enough in the knowledge that every mistake contains the means to grow and learn. Do they offer sincere apology and a solution to the mistake they made? Or do they attempt to assign blame elsewhere?
Experience is the best teacher, we can always learn a lot from our past mistakes. We can do that when we fully admit and accept that mistakes and start working to correct such mistakes. You first of all have to apply your Christian values as much as demanded in a righteous ways because with God everything done in his name is deemed righteous.
We have to learn how to apply the right principles to be successful in business.