Paul Harstrom

Chapter President – Kentucky & Southern Indiana

A servant leader before it became a catchphrase, Paul’s nature is to lend his God-given and acquired abilities to others whenever needed. His employment beginnings paralleled his philanthropic activities and both have progressed throughout his career. Truth at Works is where these parallel passions fully blend into a fellowship of Christ pursuit in a business world.

Paul’s strong work ethic began before he could even drive, supervising a team of construction workers in the great state of Texas. His career path in the Louisville/Kentuckiana area began in the graphic communication industry, which later propelled him towards consulting work locally as well as throughout Michigan and Illinois. Regardless of the industry vehicle that God has purposed, Paul’s continual drive has been to grow and develop people first, which then thrusts
the business onward and upward.

Paul’s parallel philanthropic path has included financial support for mission works across the world, as well as support of local ministries. He also lends his time, professional services, and mentoring to a large, growing group of young adults as they face major career, life, and spiritual decisions in their lives.

Matthew 20:27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.
Being a servant leader is more than just a cultural drive for Paul, it’s woven into his being. He strongly believes that as God gives the talents, it is our moral duty to share those talents. Paul is excited to be a part of Truth at Works in the Louisville area, as this allows him to further fulfill his calling.

Philippians 2:3-4 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Career Strengths: Executive Leadership, People & Culture, Sales & Marketing, Operations, Product Development, Turnaround Specialist, Growth Change Agent, Revenue & Profit Optimization, New Business Development, Customer Experience, Training & Development, Software Workflows, and Servant Leadership.