Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Business

Love Your Customer as Yourself with Bill Slappey

This episode of Bottom Line Faith features Bill Slappey, President and CEO of Slappey Communication. "If you made me an atheist and took me back in time to when I started my business, I wouldn't do anything different than what I've done because I've learned that God's...

Serving Faithfully in the Storm with Paul Estridge

Serving Faithfully in the Storm with Paul Estridge

This episode of Bottom Line Faith features Paul Estridge, CEO of Estridge Homes. "I like to think I demonstrate my faith through my contemplation and decisions and how I deal with everyday situations, and I think that's the most Christ-like model as I read the Bible."...

Motivating and Involving People with Wynn Smiley

Motivating and Involving People with Wynn Smiley

This episode of Bottom Line Faith Features Wynn Smiley, CEO of Alpha Tau Omega. "Above all else, run to the cross, even when you don't feel like you deserve to ... The power of worship, the power of His grace and mercy is really the transforming power of Christianity...

The Power of Credibility with Randy Oostra

The Power of Credibility with Randy Oostra

This episode of Bottom Line Faith features Randy Oostra, the President and CEO of ProMedica Health System. "The thing that's most interesting to me is the example of Christ. You look at everything from the vision he was casting, what he was trying to do, and the time...

Listening and Leading with Lynn Fruth

Listening and Leading with Lynn Fruth

This episode of Bottom Line Faith features CEO of The Danberry Company, Lynn Fruth. "We need to focus on Christ. We have to understand thats not a lonely journey, but we take that journey with others. And not just that we live it, but that we live it with the boldness...

Free from the Tyranny of Time with Dan Rogers

Free from the Tyranny of Time with Dan Rogers

This episode of Bottom Line Faith features President and CEO of Cherry Street Mission Ministries, Dan Rogers. "If you'll allow it as a leader, certainly the things that I need to do for people, though harsh at the moment, can bring someone to help and healing because...

Listening to God with Al Caperna

Listening to God with Al Caperna

Al Caperna, Chairman of the CMC Group, shares a radical "Saul to Paul" conversion story of both his personal life and his business. "We don't talk about being the investor. You need to become the mentor and the investor and the discipler, not just the five talent...

Servant Leadership with Marcia Barnes

Servant Leadership with Marcia Barnes

Marcia Barnes, Founder and CEO of Valve & Meter, shares her experiences with leading successfully by loving and serving her people. Full transcript: Ray: Well, hello everyone, welcome back to another edition of the Bottom Line Faith podcast where we take a look at...

Living for Eternity with Roger Muselman

Living for Eternity with Roger Muselman

Roger Muselman, Chairman of DRG, shares insights on how to be confident, without becoming arrogant. He also shares tips on how to successfully integrate you work and family life. Full transcript: Ray: Well, hello and welcome to another episode of Bottom Line Faith,...



This 30-minute program provides a unique look at how high-capacity Christian leaders live out their faith in the marketplace, how their faith influences how they deal with the issues they face as leaders, and how they address all the demands they face.


The program profiles the leadership of some of America’s top Christian CEOs, business owners, corporate executives, athletic coaches and personalities, authors, and thought leaders.