About Truth At Work

A Life & Business Changing Experience

We transform Christian business leaders through authentic Peer Advisory Groups that apply Biblical truth for living out the Christian faith in all areas of life.

What We Do

As a marketplace ministry, we serve Christian business leaders around the U.S.A. through Peer Advisory Groups.

Truth At Work Peer Advisory Groups have proven to support Christian business leaders as they:

  • Build and lead their companies and organizations on biblical principles and practices
  • Grow personally, professionally, and spiritually
  • Transform the marketplace for Christ
  • Fulfill God’s calling upon their lives at work and at home


Our History

Truth At Work began its journey by starting as a C12 chapter in Indianapolis in 1998.  Realizing the potential to serve various levels of business leaders, Truth At Work was born with the first group launching in 2000 in Indianapolis.

After building the proof of concept in Indianapolis for several years, the decision was made to establish chapters in other national markets.  The greatest successes in the early years were in Ohio, Texas, and Arizona.

In 2005, the decision was made to move away from the full-day format that was part of the original concept and move Truth At Work meetings to half-day meetings designed to accommodate a larger group of Christian business stewards. Today, we are active in 11 states and 20 unique markets.  We support a wide network of organizations that includes solo entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and businesses ranging from entrepreneurial start-ups to 200M annual revenue companies.

Our vision is to reach every Christian business leader with the community, encouragement, and accountability that peer advisory groups provide.

A Unique Approach To Peer Advisory Groups

We desire to see Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leaders living with an eternal perspective, in Biblical community, impacting their spheres of influence.

Life Transformation

We put a major focus on transformation in the lives of those who participate in our various initiatives. We’re about real change in all areas of life, with a specific starting point of the work context. This creates a positive ripple effect into life at home, church, and community.

Like-Minded Peer Community

All Truth At Work programs are delivered in the context of relevant peer community. Joining a Peer Advisory Group means you get connected to other Christian business leaders who face similar joys and challenges, giving all members a solid sounding board for support, discussion, and accountability.

Relevant Content

All Truth At Work programs are based on relevant contextual content. We develop meaningful resources for our Peer Advisory Groups to discuss, providing an avenue for iron to sharpen iron. Robust discussion leads to deeper relationships and tangible action steps for leaders to take back to work.

Our Core Values

One of the most important and untapped mission fields is the marketplace. Most people spend more than half their waking hours at work or with co-workers and other professionals. Truth At Work equips Christian business leaders to share their faith in the context of marketplace relationships through modeling Christ-like Servant Leadership.

Truth At Work is the interaction of faith, life, and business that transforms you with an eternal perspective through deep, authentic relationships in biblical community so that you glorify God.

Biblical Christ Centeredness

Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Scriptures, is the foundation of everything we do. The reality of the Gospel, from the whole counsel of God’s Word, is that which defines, directs, and drives us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Safety and Confidentiality

A place for leaders to be completely vulnerable without fear of judgment or shame, knowing their conversations will not leave the room.

Authentic Community

Deep relationships through conversation, shared experiences and Godly counsel.


Living out our identity in Christ across all areas of life.

Statement of Faith

We believe that there is one God, eternally existing as three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
    We believe that the Bible is God’s written revelation to man, and that it is verbally inspired, authoritative and without error in the original manuscripts.
    We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, was alienated from God. Only through faith, trusting in Christ alone for salvation, which was made possible by His death and resurrection, can that alienation be removed.
    We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection, and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory.
    We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, that He performs the miracle of the new birth in unbelievers and indwells believers, enabling them to live godly lives.

    Support The Ministry Of Truth At Work

    As a non-profit ministry, we are empowered to impact Christian business leaders and the marketplace for Christ through partners who give financially. We cannot do this work without our faithful supporters!

    Join A Peer Advisory Group

    A Truth At Work Peer Advisory Group is a place where you will experience personal, professional, and spiritual development, transforming all areas of your life in a trusted community.

    Start A Peer Advisory Group

    Lead the charge as a Chapter President for a Peer Advisory Group! If you are a gospel-centered business leader on mission, you can serve as a mentor/coach to the members in your group.

    Truth At Work Headquarters

    9953 Crosspoint Blvd. Suite 100
    Indianapolis, IN 46256

    Contact Us

     (317) 842-1694

    Office Hours

    Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
    Sat-Sun: Closed

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